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    Music,  Politics,  Translations

    Люся Кава – Народна

    Introduction I never expected in my life to share a translation of a song like this, but with the looming threat of Trump’s United States, it’s the justified time to share this. I believe it’s important for the world, especially Americans, to understand that if the war will end with Ukraine remaining even partially occupied, the fight will never end. There are many orphaned children, like myself, who will grow up with a wish for vengeance. This is the whole reason why the Israel-Palestine war is never ending, as future generations will hold the wish for revenge for what’s done to the former generations when there’s no real peace and…

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    Music,  Translations

    Gad Elbaz ft. Avi Benjamin – Ochi Chernye / Очи чёрные

    Update November 2024 by Fien Oudshoorn: Russian-language lyrics and transliterations were added, complying to our new agreement with our partners in Ukraine. Music video and featured image were refreshed due to unavailability. Song based on the romance by Ukrainian poet Yevhen Hrebinka.Music video was recorded in Ukraine. Licensing costs for this share were primarily provided by donations from Israel and Türkiye. Subtitled Music Video (English) Lyrics Years, looking over my shoulderGetting colder and colderHow to live?When to go?Voices – grow louder and louderSounding bolder and bolderAs the drama unfolds Oh, those dark eyesMesmerizingIn their touching pleaSpeaking to us silentlyReaching to the skies Очи чёрные, очи мудрые (Ochi chyornye, ochi mudrye)Часто…

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    Music,  Translations

    Agam Buhbut – Chikiti (אגם בוחבוט – חיכיתי)

    [This translation was originally published on the SnowCalmth blog on the 19th of December 2018.] Information Artist: Agam BuhbutCountry: State of IsraelOriginal language: HebrewCopyright: Z.I. Productions By PIL LTD.Translation by: Vadim DovganyukSubtitled by: Vladislav Dovganyuk Music video with English subtitles Official Hebrew Lyrics נשארתי חיכיתי שתביטשתי מעלות בחוץ ולי נשרף הלבחיכיתי חיכיתי שתגיד לי כל דבר שתקתי עליתי למוניתשתי דקות בחוץ אתה בדיוק עוזבחיכיתי חיכיתי שתגיד לי כל דבר אבל כמו תמיד עם החיוך שלךאתה הצלחת להפוך אצלי הכלוכמו תמיד המסכות שלךמגיעות ושוב אתה מסתיר הכל אז אני חוזרת אל הביתואיך שהוא נשאר תמיד מלא בכלוםאז אני כותבת אין לי שקטוזה אתה אף פעם לא יודע כלום אז אני בורחת, לא…

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    Music,  Translations

    Ruslana – Ми – вітер

    Information Artist: Ruslana S. LyzhychkoCountry: UkraineOriginal language: UkrainianCopyright: Comp Music Ltd.More of this artist: I Am Alive Music video with English subtitles Transcreated version Official Ukrainian lyrics Ти почуєш ауууСяйво ночі аууу Ми зірки, що за краєм дняНіч розтане засяють небесаА у небі любов мояТи злітаєш за тобою я Якже хочеться води напитисяІз твоїх долонь, із твоїх рукЯк у твої очі не дивитисяЧути тільки серця твого звук Я зірки по небу розкладуІ тобі відкрию ніч яснуЯ зірки по небу розкладуІ тобі відкрию ніч ясну Я твоїм коханням не надихаласьНе наситилась твоїм вогнемЯк у цьому вирі зупинитись намНе згубити краю ночі з днем Я зірки по небу розкладуІ тобі відкрию ніч яснуЯ зірки по…

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    Music,  Translations

    Без Обмежень – 24/02

    Knowing full well that I might offend my dad by this, as he has translated this song before on his own personal blog, I have translated this song upon a private request. The reason for the request was that all translations available, including by my own dad, were translated too directly and were very complicated to be properly understood by the British requester. Hopefully, this translation will be clearer for others as well. Information Artist: Без Обмежень (Without Limits)Location: UkraineOriginal language: UkrainianCopyright: Best MusicLicensing: Best MusicThis share is sponsored by: Best Music Music video with English subtitles Ukrainian lyrics День догорає, небо впало на нас, Серце палає, біль сповільнює час, Місто нас огортає, у…