Echoes of silence in a crowded room
Distinct realities (Autism vs Asperger’s)
The autism spectrum, the idea that autism is a condition with symptoms changing in intensity but fundamentally being the same, is an ideology I strongly oppose. Being on the spectrum myself, I know many others like me who don’t support it either. The key issue is that autistic disorder (along with childhood disintegrative disorder) is very different from Asperger’s disorder. This is something psychologists and those with Asperger’s often find hard to admit, partly due to the stereotype that Asperger’s is mild while autistic disorder and childhood disintegrative disorder are severe. The truth is that Asperger’s can be equally severe, but manifests very differently. It’s recognized that only Asperger’s disorder…
Timeless haze
Mornings taste like stale air and missed opportunities(Adults say “Youth is wasted on the young!”I wonder if they remember how heavy it feels) Emeryk, the silent observerA shadow in a world of noise Pills rattle in your school baglike tiny maracas playing a tune only you can hear Textbooks become pillows for weary mindsEach page a mountain of incomprehensible symbols Sometimes you think you can hear your childhoodechoing from a distant playground The school counselor says “It’s just a phase”But your brain is a faulty computer –endless loading screens and error messages and no way to reboot You scribble dark poetry in the margins of math worksheets(while your gym clothes…
Wheels of freedom
I wrote this for today’s English assignment: a short text about our favorite activity. Our teacher’s jaw dropped when he saw my work. Just because I’m young and seen as a typical skater boy doesn’t mean I lack potential or creativity. I love writing, though not as much as scootering. Like many great writers and poets, my social skills aren’t the best. As for my writing, I’m still improving. When I’m old enough for social media, I hope to learn from other writers and correct my mistakes. Credit to my older sister Katarzyna for her help. The concrete jungle calls, a siren song of smooth pathways and urban thrills,my trusty…
Scrolling through life
Midnight glow, phone in handThumb-scrolling through a digital land✨ new post from @bestieHeart racing, tap to see DMs blowing up, group chat is lit 🔥FOMO kicks in, can’t miss a bitSelfie game strong, filters on fleekIRL me? Different every week Swipe, tap, double-tap, repeatOnline life feels bittersweet#livingmybestlife (or so it seems)Reality blurs at the screen’s seams Likes roll in, dopamine rushNotifications, a constant crush“Left on read” – the silent dreadOverthinking every word unsaid TFW your crush likes your post 😍But IRL, you’re practically a ghostMemes and trends, inside jokes flyReal laughs or just keyboard “lol“s? sigh Eyes burning, clock strikes threeIs this app controlling me?FOMO fades to digital fatigueReal or…