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[English translation] SLAVIA – Сила Роду
Let me use this introduction to remind you that we focus on natural translations. Our aim is to convey the intended meaning of the words in the original language and express this effectively in the target language, rather than providing word-for-word literal translations. Slavic languages, such as Ukrainian, lack certain words that are present in Germanic languages like English. This often results in literal translations that are incredibly difficult or even impossible to understand. If you want a literal translation, you can use a machine translator. However, as a native Ukrainian speaker, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Subtitled music video
Translated by: Ilya Dovganyuk-Krym
Subtitled by: Ilya Dovganyuk-Krym
Proofread by: Max M.
The licensing costs for this translation were funded by a donation from a private source in Belarus.
Lyrics & translations
Original Ukrainian Lyrics
Від матері до доні
Від батька і до сина
Воля росте у лоні
І множить нашу силу
Квітуча і зерниста
Свята земля нам родить
Ми всі одне намисто
І чорнобривці сходять
Козаки нівроку
Міць мого народу
Боряться з пітьмою
За нашу свободу
А як зійде сонце
Заспіваєм оду
Ми не ликом шиті
З нами сила роду
Від матері до доні
Від батька і до сина
Воля росте у лоні
І множить нашу силу
Квітуча і зерниста
Свята земля нам родить
Ми всі одне намисто
І чорнобривці сходять
Лину я душею
До рідного краю
Де би не бувала
Кращого немає
Вишита сорочка
Щит мого народу
Знає син і дочка
З нами сила роду
Від матері до доні
Від батька і до сина
Воля росте у лоні
І множить нашу силу
Квітуча і зерниста
Свята земля нам родить
Ми всі одне намисто
І чорнобривці сходять
Пташечко, лунає з темряви щебет
Ангели закрили крилами небо
Рідная, лети до світла на волю
Як один ми станем всі за тобою
Від матері до доні
Від батька і до сина
Воля росте у лоні
І множить нашу силу
Квітуча і зерниста
Свята земля нам родить
Ми всі одне намисто
І чорнобривці сходять
English translation
From every mother to her daughter, from each father to his son, the spirit of freedom grows within our hearts, and it multiplies the strength we've won.
Our sacred land, both blooming and bountiful, yields its fruits for us to reap. We are bound together like beads on a necklace, as marigolds sprout from the earth so deep.
Our Cossacks, strong and mighty, embody the power of our nation. They battle against the encroaching darkness, fighting for our freedom with determination.
When the sun rises on a new day, we'll raise our voices in a triumphant song. We are not weak or easily swayed, for the strength of our ancestors makes us strong.
From every mother to her daughter, from each father to his son, the spirit of freedom grows within our hearts, and it multiplies the strength we've won.
Our sacred land, both blooming and bountiful, yields its fruits for us to reap. We are bound together like beads on a necklace, as marigolds sprout from the earth so deep.
My soul soars with longing for the cherished land of my birth. No matter where I may travel, nothing compares to my native earth.
Our embroidered shirts we wear with pride, a shield that guards our people's soul. Both son and daughter understand that our lineage makes us whole.
From every mother to her daughter, from each father to his son, the spirit of freedom grows within our hearts, and it multiplies the strength we've won.
Our sacred land, both blooming and bountiful, yields its fruits for us to reap. We are bound together like beads on a necklace, as marigolds sprout from the earth so deep.
Listen! A little bird's song pierces the gloom, as angels shield the sky with their wings. Fly towards the light, my dear homeland, to the freedom that our unity brings.
From every mother to her daughter, from each father to his son, the spirit of freedom grows within our hearts, and it multiplies the strength we've won.
Our sacred land, both blooming and bountiful, yields its fruits for us to reap. We are bound together like beads on a necklace, as marigolds sprout from the earth so deep.
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