narodna jpg
Music,  Politics,  Translations

Люся Кава – Народна


I never expected in my life to share a translation of a song like this, but with the looming threat of Trump’s United States, it’s the justified time to share this.

I believe it’s important for the world, especially Americans, to understand that if the war will end with Ukraine remaining even partially occupied, the fight will never end. There are many orphaned children, like myself, who will grow up with a wish for vengeance. This is the whole reason why the Israel-Palestine war is never ending, as future generations will hold the wish for revenge for what’s done to the former generations when there’s no real peace and freedom. I will never accept a future in which my biological father’s death didn’t contribute to Ukraine being free, as she should be.

The only way to end the war in Ukraine is by Russia retreating from all of Ukraine. Anyone who opposes this shows they don’t wish for peace. There’s nothing more that could be said. Ukraine will be free, if not today, then tomorrow.


Translated by: Ilya Dovganyuk-Krym
Subtitled by: Fien Oudshoorn

This translation was made possible through funding from Australia, Canada, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

Subtitled music video (English)

Lyrics & Translations

Original Ukrainian Lyrics

Ми всі одна родина
Ми всі одна країна
Від батька і до сина
Славимо її

Біда нас не зламала
Вона нас об’єднала
Віра нас захищала
На всі роки

Ми вільний народ
Сильний народ
Могутній народ

Слава Україні
Героям слава
Смерть ворогам.

Ми всі велика сила
І кожна тут людина
То є моя країна
Бережіть її

English Translation

We all are one family
We all are one country
From father to son
We honor her glory

Hardship did not break us
It united us instead
Faith has protected us
Throughout all the years

We are a free people
A strong people
A mighty people

Glory to Ukraine
Glory to the heroes
Death to the enemies

We all are a powerful force
Every person here contributes
This is my country
Cherish and protect her

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Playful and full of energy! I'm a young Ukrainian living in Poland after being adopted. I love zooming around on my skateboard and stunt scooter, spinning like a top when I breakdance, and going on epic adventures in video games. When I'm not playing, I enjoy writing poetry. I dream of a world where everyone can be free and happy!