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    MEAU – Stukje van mij (Piece of Me)

    Content Advisory This music video addresses sensitive topics including: Dangers of sexting Sexual harassment Bullying Cyberbullying Peer pressure Suicide Viewer discretion is advised. This content may not be suitable for all audiences. MEAU’s “Stukje van mij” with English subtitles Credits English translation and subtitling: Nyo Schwachöfer Polish, Ukrainian, and Spanish translations: Vladislav and Katarzyna Dovganyuk-Krym French and German translations: Thomas Vermeulen Originally published on: 19 August 2024 Special thanks to KPN. Lyrics & Translations Official lyrics (Dutch) Het is al laat en ik wil wel slapen Maar dit houdt een plekje bezet in m'n hoofd Ik ben op zoek m'n gedachten verraden M'n eigen gevoel misschien heb jij dat ook…

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    Introduction Since I started writing for this blog, reading other blogs, and even joining social media recently, I’ve seen why there’s so much wrong in the world – wars, conflict, trafficking, poverty, and other terrible things. It’s scary how dark adult thoughts can be. And I’m not talking about any country in particular. I’ve even seen people cheering for the deaths of those from other countries, as if a life is worth less just because someone is from a different place – it’s not, every life matters equally, no matter where they’re from. We need to start over with how we live. We need to go back to the beginning…

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    [English translation] SLAVIA – Сила Роду

    Introduction Let me use this introduction to remind you that we focus on natural translations. Our aim is to convey the intended meaning of the words in the original language and express this effectively in the target language, rather than providing word-for-word literal translations. Slavic languages, such as Ukrainian, lack certain words that are present in Germanic languages like English. This often results in literal translations that are incredibly difficult or even impossible to understand. If you want a literal translation, you can use a machine translator. However, as a native Ukrainian speaker, I wouldn’t recommend it. Subtitled music video Credits Translated by: Ilya Dovganyuk-KrymSubtitled by: Ilya Dovganyuk-KrymProofread by: Max…

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    [English translation] Рената Кравчук – Так Бог полюбив

    Credits Translated by: Ilya Dovganyuk-KrymSutitled by: Ilya Dovganyuk-KrymProofread by: Nyo Schwachöfer Lyrics & translations Original Ukrainian Lyrics Так бо Бог полюбив, що тепер є я, що тепер є - тиТак бо Бог полюбив, що на Себе взяв болі і гріхиТак бо Бог полюбив - Він віддав життя, щоби ти оживТак бо Бог полюбив - як ніхто не зумівТак бо Бог полюбив цей світ,Що дав Свого Сина за наші гріхиЩоб, хто вірує в Христа -Не загинув, але мав вічне життя!Я лиш голос Його, що лунає звісткою про життяПриготуйте серця, царство Господа наближаєтьсяПорівняйте стежки! Він прийде для нас,Він прийде для тих, хто прийняв звістку цю про любов неземну! English translation God's love…

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    Autism,  poetry

    Mind under pressure

    Introduction: This is a poem I wrote earlier today at school, inspired by a conversation I had with an American family friend (Blair) about my autistic experience. For now, this will be my last poem on the subject of autism. I want to write poems on other mental health-related subjects, inspired by meeting one of my cousins while my dad was in the hospital. As an update for those who are curious, he got home earlier today. My cousin has cerebral palsy, and I learned how she’s excluded simply because of her differences, not because she isn’t enjoyable to be with or anything like that. I know because I have…