Symphony of glee: an ode to childhood joy
A symphony of giggles, a symphony of glee,
unleash the inner child, wild and free!
With eyes that sparkle, hearts that sing,
a symphony of joy, their laughter takes wing.
Unburdened by worries, untouched by strife,
they dance through life, embracing the light.
In puddles they splash, with mud they create,
a canvas of joy, where dreams never abate.
A cartwheel of wonder, a somersault of glee,
barefoot on the grass, spirits soaring free.
With paint-smeared hands, they color the sky,
in realms of imagination, where dreams never die.
A world of make-believe, where fairies reside,
with capes flowing proudly, where heroes confide.
A kaleidoscope of laughter, a symphony of sound,
innocence unbound, where joy is found.
In fields of wildflowers, their spirits take flight,
chasing butterflies, with eyes filled with light.
Building castles of sand, where stories unfold,
a tapestry of childhood, where dreams take hold.
With boundless energy, their spirits ignite,
a whirlwind of wonder, a beacon of light.
A chorus of laughter, a symphony of play,
unleashing the magic, day by day.
In forts built of blankets, their laughter resounds,
a world of adventure, where joy abounds.
A melody of hearts, a symphony of cheer,
let childhood’s spirit forever be near!
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ben Alexander
Ommigosh, Aleksander… this is so delightful to read.
I thoroughly enjoyed it 😀
Aleksander Dovganyuk-Krym
I’m so glad you liked the poem, David! I’m experimenting with my writing style, so I was a little worried it might have become difficult to understand. But it seems like that wasn’t the case?
ben Alexander
Not at all; this piece is lovely!
There is great energy in this poem, as the poem says of itself (and well). I appreciate the lack of borders, as in limitations, implied. And the imagination–the real magic–that’s expressed in and as childhood joy. I hope you’re very well.
Aleksander Dovganyuk-Krym
I’m super happy you liked the poem! I’m doing good. Just the last few weeks of school left, last day is on the 21st, so I’m a little bit busy and can’t always keep up with everything. I’m trying my best, though! How about you? I hope you’re doing good too!
I’m doing all right, thanks. I had a surgical procedure last week that went pretty well. I’m looking for another, more peaceful place to live. I hope the last few weeks of school go satisfactorily for you. Be and stay well!