Yoyo ft. Dianna Rotaru – Ma Sting
Artist: Yoyo (Daniela Negoiță)
Featuring: Dianna Rotaru
Country: Moldova and Romania
Original language: Romanian
Copyright owner: Cat Music
Licensed by: Cat Music
All content on this page was sponsored by Cat Music. The translation is our own.
Music video with English subtitles
Official Romanian lyrics
Vorbele ma dor
Strig dupa ajutor
Toti trec nepasatori
Ma sting usor
Vorbele ma dor
Ma uit in ochii lor
Toti trec nepasatori
Ma sting usor
7 dimineata, soare rece, cenusiu
Aceeasi oameni grabiti spre service de cand ma stiu
Instintari de plata,rate si somatii
Le pot citi in ochii bartranilor din statii
e-aproape un cerc vicios
cand toate-s intoarse pe dos
sunt ca niste haite te vor jos
un loz norocos si-un os de ros
toti vor sa fie cu orice pret regi pentru o zi
cu riscu ca poate acea zi nu va veni
si familia-I unita doar de griji si de nevoi
cum sa-I ajute pe altii cand ei traiesc in noroi
plutim pe-acelasi vapor, dare i le vad p-ale lor
i-a inrait probabil frigul de la copil din dormitory
eu am inteles dar vad in jur doar naufragiati
si eu ma numar printer cei de lume-abandonati
si daca Dumnezue e tata, peste atatia tati
tu de ce nu-ntinzi o mana , ca doar suntem frati
Vorbele ma dor
Strig dupa ajutor
Toti trec nepasatori
Ma sting usor
Vorbele ma dor
Ma uit in ochii lor
Toti trec nepasatori
Ma sting usor
Spune-mi daca tu te-ai intrebat vreodata cine esti
Cum te vad toti cei din jur si in ce lume traiesti
Ei bine ar fi cel mai potrivit
Sa-I privesti exact asa cum vrei sa fi privit
Totul e-un cataclism
Condus de egoism
Parca pare rupt dintr-un numar de iluzionism
Alte fete-n oglinzi
Te-njura printre dinti
Te-ar arunca la sol
Sa puna monopol
Au sufletul gol
Banul e idol si-ar vinde fratii la altii sunt in pericol
la anii mei vad fete reci , zambete seci
Deci (deci)
oare ce-o sa vad pe la 30
hitul cel mare e fosnetul banilor
pe care-l tot aud de-a lungul anilor
si-acum da-ti-mi va rog o racheta
Vreau sa zbor sa-mi caut locul pe alta planeta
Vorbele ma dor
Strig dupa ajutor
Toti trec nepasatori
Ma sting usor
Vorbele ma dor
Ma uit in ochii lor
Toti trec nepasatori
Ma sting usor
Our English translation
Words hurt me
I cry out for help
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
Words hurt me
I look into their eyes
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
7 o’clock in the morning, a cold and ashy sun.
The same people are rushing to work for as long as I can remember.
Payment instructions, installments and summonses
I can see it all in the eyes of the elderly at the train station.
It’s almost a vicious circle.
When everything’s turned upside down,
they’re like a pack of hounds that want to take you down.
A lucky ticket and a chew bone.
They all want to be kings for a day at any cost
at the risk that maybe that day won’t come.
And the family is united only by worries and needs.
How to help others when they live in the mud?
We float on the same boat, but they only see their own.
The cold in their child’s room must have embittered them.
I understand it, but all I see around me are castaways.
And I’m one of the world’s abandoned.
And if God is the Father, of so many fathers,
why don’t you reach out a hand,
because eventually we’re brothers.
Words hurt me
I cry out for help
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
Words hurt me
I look into their eyes
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
Tell me, have you ever wondered who you are,
how everyone sees you and what world you live in?
Well, it would be the most appropriate.
Look at others as you want to be seen yourself.
Everything’s a cataclysm
driven by selfishness.
It’s like something out of an illusionist act
Other faces in the mirrors,
they’re swearing through their teeth
They’d throw you to the ground
just to get it all.
They’re without souls.
Money is the idol and they’d even
sell out their brothers when they’re in danger
At my age I see cold faces, faded smiles.
I wonder what I’ll see when I’m 30.
The greatest sound is that of money.
I keep hearing it over and over along the years.
And now, please, give me a rocket.
I wanna fly away to find my place on another planet.
Words hurt me
I cry out for help
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
Words hurt me
I cry out for help
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
Words hurt me
I cry out for help
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
Words hurt me
I look into their eyes
They all pass by carelessly
I fade away so easily.
I fade away so easily.
I fade away so easily.
I fade away so easily.
I fade away so easily.
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