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A bit of me 11 – complete honesty

I will have to redirect to another blog where I have published a post a few minutes ago. It’s mostly about religion and my vision on it. See it as a look into a part of me that is more controversial. The post can be found on the SnowCalmth blog, which is the blog owned by my dad, or adoptive dad as I am honest enough to say as well, and his acceptance of me saying that should show his love of me. Being adopted has been one of the best things that happened in my life. I might fully explain that in a future “a bit of me” post. For now, feel free to check out my full post. (Link –

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Hi there! I'm a boy from Poland, originally from Belarus. Living life to the fullest despite a rare genetic condition. Fluent in Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, German, and English. I have a passion for ballroom dance and dance in general, enjoy football and chess, and love exploring new places through travel.