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    Music,  Subtitles

    Electric Callboy – Elevator Operator

    Credits Subtitles: Stanisław Dovganyuk-KrymLicensing: Century Media Records Ltd.Copyright: Electric CallboyTransparency: The authors of Calmth were compensated for this share. Subtitled music video Lyrics You heard about a manThe lift controllerThe lever king I told yaHop in and let the journey begin ShadesA shiny faceLike he’s someone from outta spaceSo full of graceI just wanna get in Up and downWe’re moving all aroundWe’re going up and downWe’re moving all around I wanna show you my worldWhere the beat goes up and downLet me open the doorElevator Operator Up! Up!Down! Down!Up! Up!Elevator Operator I wanna be like himI really wanna be like himI wanna be with himForget about that Heads up in…

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    MEAU – Stukje van mij (Piece of Me)

    Content Advisory This music video addresses sensitive topics including: Dangers of sexting Sexual harassment Bullying Cyberbullying Peer pressure Suicide Viewer discretion is advised. This content may not be suitable for all audiences. MEAU’s “Stukje van mij” with English subtitles Credits English translation and subtitling: Nyo Schwachöfer Polish, Ukrainian, and Spanish translations: Vladislav and Katarzyna Dovganyuk-Krym French and German translations: Thomas Vermeulen Originally published on: 19 August 2024 Special thanks to KPN. Lyrics & Translations Official lyrics (Dutch) Het is al laat en ik wil wel slapen Maar dit houdt een plekje bezet in m'n hoofd Ik ben op zoek m'n gedachten verraden M'n eigen gevoel misschien heb jij dat ook…

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    A world unlearned

    This poem is a collaborative creation by our authors: Emeryk Nowak, brothers Ilya and Aleksander Dovganyuk-Krym, and Katarzyna Dovganyuk-Krym of Sleepless Whispers. Poem: I saw a woman cry today,her voice unheard – again.How long since suffrage? Yet we stayin shadows of what’s been. A child’s dream, washed away,by tides of adult greed.We silence them, day by day,ignoring what they need. Equality? Ha! A joke we tell,while bias thrives below.In this world – our private hell –hate’s seeds we daily sow. (The list goes on, you know it does,each “-ism” a wall between us.) We dance this waltz of progress, yettwo steps forth, one step back.I’m dizzy now, almost upset –are…

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    Regular Posts

    Unfiltered perspective

    Today it’s Yom HaZikaron, the State of Israel’s official remembrance day. It’s among the few times when even our Jewish authors don’t dare to give any attention to it. The consequences that the Israeli State’s actions have had on the Jewish people around the world, it’s difficult to describe in words. Even while acknowledging that Hamas and a part of the Gazan people are responsible for the horrors of October, it doesn’t justify the result that Jewish people across the entire world are currently facing, for which the Israeli State also holds responsibility. It’s very clear among our Jewish authors that they don’t believe they’re allowed to share their opinions…

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    HollySiz – The Light

    Subtitled music video Lyrics Let the light come through usLet’s believe in ourselvesLet’s believe in something Let the lights come through usLet’s believe in ourselvesLet’s blow the dust on shelvesLet the shouts out locked up in our mouth Let the shouts out locked up in our mouth Let us goLet us growLet’s believe we can changeLet’s believe in ourselves Let us goLet us growLet’s believe we can changeLet’s blow the dust off shelves Let the shouts out locked up in our mouthLet the shouts out locked up in our mouth Let’s believe in our mindsLet’s believe in our mindsLet’s believe in our lightLet’s believe we will let the shouts out…