[Through Their Eyes] The voice in my room
Introduction Through Their Eyes brings you inside the minds of young people battling mental health challenges. These aren’t just poems – they’re raw truths straight from children and families who rarely get heard. Each piece comes from sitting with them and their families, listening to their stories, and crafting their experiences into verse. After each poem, you’ll find a breakdown of what these young people are up against. This piece – both the poem and everything around it – keeps things real and unpolished. As a young person myself, I believe mental health deserves raw honesty, not just in the stories these children share, but in how we talk about…
Introduction Since I started writing for this blog, reading other blogs, and even joining social media recently, I’ve seen why there’s so much wrong in the world – wars, conflict, trafficking, poverty, and other terrible things. It’s scary how dark adult thoughts can be. And I’m not talking about any country in particular. I’ve even seen people cheering for the deaths of those from other countries, as if a life is worth less just because someone is from a different place – it’s not, every life matters equally, no matter where they’re from. We need to start over with how we live. We need to go back to the beginning…
Mind under pressure
Introduction: This is a poem I wrote earlier today at school, inspired by a conversation I had with an American family friend (Blair) about my autistic experience. For now, this will be my last poem on the subject of autism. I want to write poems on other mental health-related subjects, inspired by meeting one of my cousins while my dad was in the hospital. As an update for those who are curious, he got home earlier today. My cousin has cerebral palsy, and I learned how she’s excluded simply because of her differences, not because she isn’t enjoyable to be with or anything like that. I know because I have…
Behind the stolen face
A very personal poem based on my actual experiences. If you know, you know, and you’re probably just as culpable as the one who did this to me. Maybe someday I will share my full story openly, but for now, I sincerely wish for all other children to be educated about the many dangers of the internet. My life was devastated because of the lack of such education. My poem:
Ashes of ignorance: our relentless march to ruin
Foreword: After sharing a poem I wrote with my little sister, I’m now ready to post some of my own work. This poem is dedicated to @greennomad61, one of the few people I know who truly understands how important health is. It’s amazing how quickly we tend to forget about the things that are most important… My poem: Streets full again, masks tossed awayLearned nothing, just back to our old waysPandemic’s ghost still lingers, unseenYet here we are, acting like it’s all peachy keen Doomsayers we mocked now seem kinda wiseAs we ignore how our world slowly diesClimate chaos looms, but we don’t really careToo busy with stuff that won’t…