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poetry,  Lyric,  Narrative

Our big world family

In our big world, so wide and round,
people of all kinds can be found.
Some are tall and some are small,
but in our hearts, we’re one and all.

Our skin might be dark, light, or tan,
we’re all part of the human clan.
Brown eyes, blue eyes, or shades of green,
each one special, a sight to be seen.

Some pray in churches, some in mosques,
some under stars when night has dropped.
Others in temples or not at all,
we respect each path, big or small.

From snowy peaks to sunny shores,
we open up our friendly doors.
Different languages we might speak,
but kindness is what we all seek.

In busy cities, lights so bright,
or quiet farms under starry night,
We may live different lives, it’s true,
but we’re all human, me and you.

Some like pizza, some like rice,
some think cold is really nice.
Others love the summer sun,
but together, we can have fun.

We play games from all around,
make new friends on common ground.
Share our stories, learn and grow,
there’s so much we all can know.

Some families have two moms or dads,
others one parent, and that’s not bad.
Families come in all different ways,
love is what counts through all our days.

Our minds work in different ways too,
some need help to see things through.
We support each other, that’s our way,
caring for mental health every day.

When someone is sad or needs a hand,
we help them up and understand.
For in this world we’re not alone,
together we have grown and grown.

We care for trees and animals too,
for our big home of sky so blue.
Rivers, oceans, and the air,
are treasures that we all must share.

Sometimes we might disagree,
but that’s okay, we can still be
a family that’s big and strong,
where everyone can sing along.

In schools and parks and on the net,
we learn new things we won’t forget.
About each other’s way of life,
how to be friends instead of strife.

Dreams we have of peace and love,
for all below and up above.
A world where everyone can smile,
and walk together mile by mile.

So let’s join hands and make it true,
a world united, me and you.
Where every child can laugh and play,
in a big world family every day.

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Playful and full of energy! I'm a young Ukrainian living in Poland after being adopted. I love zooming around on my skateboard and stunt scooter, spinning like a top when I breakdance, and going on epic adventures in video games. When I'm not playing, I enjoy writing poetry. I dream of a world where everyone can be free and happy!