
Hi there! I'm a boy from Poland, originally from Belarus. Living life to the fullest despite a rare genetic condition. Fluent in Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, German, and English. I have a passion for ballroom dance and dance in general, enjoy football and chess, and love exploring new places through travel.

  • 27993122 the natural park of the mouth of the river po italy 1


    Not in the hushed library of dust and age,nor the tomb’s hush where echoes dare not tread,nor the Arctic hush where snowflakes gently pledgeto blanket silence upon a world half-dead. Begin with whispers, whispers in the loam,a symphony of roots in search of light.The patient dance of microbes, secrets sown,each tiny sigh a testament to night. Let silence bloom in petals, velvet-furled,where morning dew collects a glistening tear.A spider spins a tapestry unfurled,and secrets bloom where shadows disappear. Then climb the canyons where the wind once roared,now sculpted stone in sun-kissed reverie.A language etched in silence, unafraid.A story whispered through eternity. Dive to the ocean floor, where shadows creep,where bioluminescent…

  • sweet girl meditating near palm scaled
    Autism,  poetry

    The calm within

    After yesterday’s somewhat dark poem, today I’m sharing something lighter. It might seem surprising to some, but I, as an autistic person with ADHD, actually enjoy meditation. This is something that many people find difficult to understand. However, as I happened to explain in a comment a few days ago, both autism and ADHD are often treated with nootropics, a complex word that means cognitive enhancers. Examples of nootropics include methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamines, with the most well-known amphetamine used for ADHD treatment being dextroamphetamine. It should be clear by now that I’m speaking from personal experience. These medications often work for treating the symptoms of autism and ADHD because…

  • exterior portrait kids world environment day

    The burning world

    As we witness the destructive wars waged by nations like Russia and the Islamic Republic (Iran), we simultaneously observe the devastation wrought by deforestation in countries like Australia and the Congo, along with the rise in youth suicides across the globe fueled by the internet’s rampant lawlessness. While we possess the means to prevent these tragedies, our actions are often met with skepticism. Why dare to speak of Russia’s ongoing genocide when remaining silent would at least spare us the financial burden of safeguarding the lives of innocent Ukrainian civilians? Or why dare to challenge the Islamic Republic’s actions, conducted through its proxies of Hamas and Hezbollah, when they are…

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    Regular Posts

    The intricacies of adoption from an adoptee’s perspective

    Disclaimer This blog post is based on personal experiences and information available as of November 2023. While I have strived to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is important to note that certain details have been omitted or rewritten for the sake of privacy. Additionally, adoption laws, practices, and experiences can vary widely depending on the country or region involved. Introduction There’s a lot of opposing views when it comes to adoption. Some see it as a saving grace for children with traumatic pasts, while others view it as a traumatic experience itself, ripping children away from their families. The truth is, both perspectives hold merit. In the world of…

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    [Poetry] Family’s embrace

    In a home where love abounds,happiness as a family knows no bounds,a symphony of laughter and joy,in every precious girl and boy. Sitting around the dinner table,sharing stories, as we’re able,bonds of love that never cease,bringing comfort, bringing peace. Through the storms and sunny weather,we stand strong, a family together,holding hands and hearts entwined.In our love, true happiness we find. From the youngest to the old,in our family, hearts unfold.Supporting dreams and wiping tears,huiding through life’s hopes and fears. In the comfort of our family’s embrace,every challenge we can face,with love and strength, we rise above.In unity, we find happiness and love. So let us cherish every day.In our family’s…