![Sardor Rahimxon – Dunyoni Bering Bolajonlarga [Uzbek to English translation] 9 b593a srdbb jpg](https://i0.wp.com/calmth.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/b593a-srdbb-jpg.webp?resize=1140%2C641&ssl=1)
Sardor Rahimxon – Dunyoni Bering Bolajonlarga [Uzbek to English translation]
[Part of the “SnowCalmth collection“
Transcript, subtitles and translation: Vadim Dovganyuk
Copyright © 2016 RizaNovaUZ, Uzbekistan]
Music video with English subtitles
Uzbek (Uzbekcha):
Dadajon, tinchlik nima u?
Tinchlik bu, bolam, bebaxo ne’mat, seni o’ynab-kulib yurishing, bog’chaga maktabga borishing, baxtingni ko’rib yashash, ko’z oldimda ulg’ayayotganing, mustaqil farovon yurtda yashashimiz, xalqimiz osoyishtaligi va hotirjamligi, hammasi tinchlik orqali o’g’lim..
Dunyodagi bolalar hammasi menday baxtlimi?
Nimani ko’rgandi dunyoga kelib?
Ko’rgani zorlig-u daryo kabi qon.
Nimani ko’rgandi dunyoga kelib?
Ko’rgani zorlig-u daryo kabi qon.
Bolam degim keldi ko’nglim ezilib
Bolam degim keldi ko’nglim ezilib
Yo’rgagi kafanlik bo’lgan bolajon.
Jangohga aylandi bu kun diyoring
Qismating ko’z yoshmi taqdirmi alam
Jangohga aylandi bu kun diyoring
Qismating ko’z yoshmi taqdirmi alam
Balki qo’g’irchog’ing kutar diydoring
Balki qo’g’irchog’ing kutar diydoring
Qo’g’irchog’idan ham umri oz bolam.
Kuzlarda ochilgan lolajonlarga
Loladan ham mahzun jonajonlarga
Kulgusi yig’iga ulanmasin hech
Dunyoni beringlar bolajonlarga [2x]
Qulinga qurolmas ko’p o’yinchoqlar
Yarashar edi-ku murg’akgina jon
Qulinga qurolmas ko’p o’yinchoqlar
Yarashar edi-ku murg’akgina jon
Seni zor etganlar tortadi ohlar
Seni zor etganlar tortadi ohlar
Bir kuni uvoling tutar, bolajon
Kuzlarda ochilgan lolajonlarga
Loladan ham mahzun jonajonlarga
Kulgusi yig’iga ulanmasin hech
Dunyoni beringlar bolajonlarga [2x]
Onangni topolmayapman sarson-u sargardon
Munchoq ko’zlaringdan tomchilaydi yosh
Ohingdan titraydi zamin-u zamon
Senga Oy Onadir, Otadir Quyosh
Daddy, what is peace?
Peace, my son, is a priceless blessing. Your smile on your face, your visit to kindergarten and school, seeing and living your happiness, our living in an independent prosperous country, the peace and tranquility of our people. All of them is through the peace, my son.
Are all the children in the world happy, just like I am?
What is lived, after coming to this world?
Seeing difficulty and blood flowing like a river.
What is lived, after coming to this world?
Seeing difficulty and blood flowing like a river.
I want to call as “my child”, with pain in my soul.
I want to call as “my child”, with pain in my soul.
Oh baby, whose baby sheet is a winding sheet.
Today, your motherland turned to a warzone
Your fate is tears and anguish
Today, your motherland turned to a warzone
Your fate is tears and anguish
Maybe your toy is waiting for you
Maybe your toy is waiting for you
Oh child, whose life is shorter than his toy’s.
To the tulips bloomed in fall
To the sweethearts who are more sorrowful than those tulips
Never let your laugh become a cry
Give the world to the children! [2x]
Many toys, but not weapons
Suit your hands, little soul.
Many toys, but not weapons
Suit your hands, little soul.
Who created hardship to you shall draw a sigh
Who created hardship to you shall draw a sigh
One day they will be missing you, dear child.
To the tulips bloomed in fall
To the sweethearts who are more sorrowful than those tulips
Never let your laugh become a cry
Give the world to the children! [2x]
You are tired of looking for your mother
Tears are coming out of your bead-like eyes
World and time are trembling from your sigh
The moon is your mother, and your father is the sun
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